How to Say Rabbit in Many Different Languages
Folks from all over the globe have written to help us broaden our list of translations.
- Afrikaans
- haas (hare) or konyn
- Albanian
- Lepur
Lepurush (for little one, or for a bunny)
- Arabic
- arneb
- Armenian
- Nabastak
- Bangali
- chorgosh
- Bahasa Malaysia
- arnab
- Basque
- konejoak
- Bavarian
- kinihås
- Bulgarian
- zayek (rabbit, hare)
- Burmese
- Youn
- Catalan
- conill
- Chinook
- Quetshadee
- Czech
- kralik (long "a" and "i")
- kralicek (little rabbit)
- It's also the word for 'young king'
- Cantonese
- pak toi (white rabbit)
- yah toi (wild rabbit)
- toi bao bao (baby rabbit)
- Cheyenne
- vohkoohe
- Chinese (Madarin)
- tuzi: rabbit
- baitu: white rabbit
- xiao baitu: little white bunny
- Columbian
- bunnylingus Rabbit is regarded as a sacred creature in Columbia.
- Croatian
- kunic
- zets
- Danish
- kanin (pronounced khaneen)
- Dutch
- konijn or konijntje (Bunny)
- "nijntje" (say: naintche),is used when you really love your bunny.
- "nijntje" is also THE most famous cartoon rabbit in Holland, very popular with kids and made by Dick Bruna.
- English (Old)
- coney
- Eskimo
- ukalerk
- Esperanto
- kuniklo
- Estonian
- kodu-janes ("tame hare")
- Finnish
- jänis
"kani" is the tame rabbit that doesn't survive in Finland outdoors during winter as it does in England. Then we have also "rusakko" that is larger than "jänis" and stays greyish-brown through the winter ("jänis" turns to white with black eartips). And last but not least we have "pupu", Finnish equivalent to bunny. "vemmelsääri" and "ristihuuli" are more "poetic" names for rabbits.
- Flemish
- konijn
- keun
- French
- le lapin or la lapine
- a tame rabbit is lapin de clapier
- a young rabbit is le lapereau
- German
- das kaninchen
- Greek (Modern)
- kouneli
- Greek (Classical)
- lagos
- Hawaiian
- lapaki
- Hebrew
- Arnevet
- arnavon/arnavoni (little sweet bunny)
- Hindi
- khargosh
- Hungarian
- nyśl or házinyśl
- bunny: nyuszi (no accent)
- Note: nyśl is also a verb meaning 'to reach', so "Nyślok a nyślért" means "I reach for the rabbit"!
- Icelandic
- kanina
- Indian (tamil)
- muyal (pronuonced "moo yell")
- Indonesian
- kelinci
- Irish
- coinin
- Italian
- il coniglio
- bunny is il coniglietto
- Japanese
- usagi
- Kazakhstan Republic (former USSR )
- Kenek
- Kernewek/Cornish
- conyn, conynas (plural)
- Kenyan
- In Kiswahili (the national language of Kenya): sungura
- In Luo (the tribal language of people around Lake Victoria): apuoyo
- Korean
- toki (pronounced Toe Key)
- There's a popular Korean children's song that everyone learns when they're little called San Toki (Mountain Rabbit). Translated it goes something like this:
Mountain Rabbit, Rabbit, where are you going? As you hop hop hop, where are you going?
- Latin
- cuniculus ('lepus' for hare).
- It was also used for soldiers who dug tunnels. There is a wonderful word in Latin, 'cuniculosus', which means 'full of rabbits'.
- Latvian
- trusis
- zakis (hare)
- Lithuanian
- kralikas (pronouced "kraa-lick-us" like "bus")
- a small bunny rabbit: zuikutis (pronouced "zook-utt-tiss")
- Lwoo
- apwoyo
- Malagasy
- bitro
- Malay
- kelintji
- Maltese
- fenek
- Manx Gaelic
- conneeyn or
- conning (bunny)
- Maori (New Zealand)
- raapeti ("i" said like long "e" and "r" is rolled)
- Montenegrian
- zec
- Nahuatl (a mexican dialect)
- ometochtli
- Navajo (American Indian)
- guah
- Norwegian
- kanin
- Ojibwe
- waabooz
- Persian
- Khargoosh
- Polish
- królik
- bunny: króliczek
- Portugese
- coelho
- Romanian
- iepure
- Russian
- krolik or zayets
- "zaychek" is a more endearing way to say bunny.
- Sanskrit
- Shashaka
- Scottish Gaelic
- coineanach or coineagan
- house rabbit: coineanach an taighe
- Serbian
- kunit
- SiLozi
- shakame (sha-ka-may)
- Slovak
- králik
- Slovene
- kunec (pronounced like "kunets")
- hare:zajec (pronounced like "zaiets")
- Note: the word Zajec or diminuative, Zajcek, is more generally used for both species. It can also be a person's first name.
- Spanish
- conejo (co-neh'-ho)
- little rabbit = conejito (co-neh-hee'-to)
- Swahili
- sungura
- Sweedish
- kanin
- Swiss German
- Haasli (bunny)
- Swiss (Basel region)
- Chüngel
- Tagalog (a Philippine dialect)
- kuneho (koo-neh-ho)
- Taiwanese
- To-Ah
- Thai
- gra-dty
- Tibetan
- pronounced: ree-pong
- Turkish
- oda tavsani (little , below s)
- Ukrainian
- kril'
- Vietnamese
- tho
- Welsh
- cwningen (pronounced "kooningen")
- Westerlauwer Frisian
- knyn
- hazze (hare)
- Xhosa
- umvundla
- Yiddish
- krolik
- Yugoslav
- zec
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